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Gold Full-Time Enrollment

With gold full-time enrollment, you will be able to get a full school experience with us - all in one package! As part of this package, you will get access to all of our courses, course materials, the Dream Initiative and graduation at no additional cost!

Complete one of our enrollment pathways! During this quick and simple enrollment process, you'll indicate the courses you want to take in your first year with us as a full-time student.

Wait to hear back from us! You should get an email confirming your enrollment with detailed next steps to your inbox after a maximum of 2 business days.

Depending on factors including grade level and geographic location, we will send you an invoice for tuition. This invoice is payable by phone, online, or by wire transfer. You can also find out the tuition rate for your grade level and geographic location before applying! Learn more about our tuition rates on this page.

Students begin the school year by attending T4N Camp Challenge, with the entire experience included within their full-time enrollment plan. Here, students get to know fellow students and parents can also meet and socialize at the end of our 1-week camp.

Students meet with their enrollment adviser to choose courses. In these sessions, students can discuss areas of study which they are interested in, such that the school can best support them in these areas as well as in their academic studies. These "interest areas" are used by enrollment advisers to create individual plans for each student containing specific courses from the T4N Pinnacle Academy, specialized Pinnacle Academy instructors, and opportunities to participate in various activities related to a student's passion.



Educación de alta calidade para nenos impartidos por nenos. The4Network ten unha misión de axuda directa. Únete a nós!

© 2021 por THE4NETWORK Limited

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CEEB Code: 241964

NCAA High School Code: 852652

MN Department of Education ID: 0181-31-039

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