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Physics (High School) Trial Course

  • 52 setmanes
Tothom que hagi completat tots els passos del programa rebrà una insígnia.

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Welcome to this trial Physics course! Trial courses do not have an instructor assigned, so assignments which you submit will not be graded. In addition, only a small selection of lessons are available in our trial courses -- take the full course if you enjoy the trial. Feel free to use this course as a taster for what the courses we offer are like! When you take a full-year course with us, you'll have 52 weeks to complete this course and you should try to complete at least one lesson every 2 days. Here are a few things which will help for you to get started.

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CEEB Code: 241964

NCAA High School Code: 852652

MN Department of Education ID: 0181-31-039

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