What we Offer
Small Group Classes
Live classes are capped at 5 students, allowing students to receive plentiful individual instructor attention and lead fruitful discussions.
International Student Community
Our international student body allows for cultural exchange and new perspectives, providing each student with a uniquely personal insight into global cultures.
Excellent Student Life
Regular student life events and opportunities bring real faces to virtual walls and allow students to make new friends and interact with others! Our daily virtual homework hub sessions connect tuition-based students around the world and allow them to get help from instructors and peer mentors in real-time!
Live Daily Instruction
Personalized live individualized instruction and peer mentoring is offered to students on a daily basis.
Critical Thinking Emphasis
Class discussions and assignments capitalize on real-world applications and help students become independent critical thinkers.
SMART Courses
Our self-paced courses adapt to each student's individual learning needs to create an optimal student experience, whether that be by adding extra content review sections or by adjusting how a course is delivered.
Dream-Focused Programs
The Dream Initiative enables students to explore their dreams and aspirations through carefully curated courses, leadership opportunities and individual mentoring by experts in their field.
Unique Courses
Our 700+ course library includes a multitude of unique courses ranging from Sport Psychology to Combinatorics and from Supersymmetry & String Theory to Aesthetic Theory.
Qualified Educators
Pinnacle Academy exists in its form only because of the tireless work of highly qualified educators. Combined, educators at the Pinnacle Academy have worked at institutions including Fermi Lab, SpaceX, NASA, Oxford University and Stanford University!
Try our Courses!
We always want to make sure that all of our families are satisfied with the courses they're taking at the Pinnacle Academy. That's why we offer a number of "taster" courses (which each contain sections of a full course) so that you can get a better feel of what Pinnacle has to offer!
Gure Klase Formatuak
Hemen The4Network-n, formatu ugaritako klaseak eskaintzen ditugu! Zuzeneko klaseekin hasi ginen, baina orain auto-erritmo klaseak, doako deskargak eta tutoretza programak ere zabaltzen ari gara!
Gurasoek, ikasleek eta irakasleek maite dituzte gure zerbitzuak!